Friday, November 16, 2012

Zoe is 3!!!

Sorry, poor picture quality off my cell phone. This is a chocolate cake with buttercream icing and decorations are made from modeling chocolate. Our sweet Zoe loves Toy Story, I think she's partial to Woody and Jessie, so I threw in Bullseye for good measure. Can't wait to celebrate her birthday tomorrow. Serves about 40. Happy Birthday Zoe, we love you so much!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy 16th Birthday Olivia!

This is a two tiered, stacked chocolate and vanilla cake covered with fluff and zebra print. The bow is out of modeling chocolate and of course the number '16' right on top. Serves about 65. Happy Birthday sweet Olivia! We love you! Thanks Kim and Scotty, love you too.

Megaphone Cookies

Thirty-five butter cookies for a group of very energetic girls. Iced with royal icing and personalized. Doing a good job Kim!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Drew's Wedding

The Crimson Tide has so many fans it's ridiculous! Yet another houndstooth cake for another Alabama fan. Drew and Miranda exchanged vows Friday, September 21th at Jean's on the River in Carbon Hill and he wanted Bear Bryant's houndstooth hat and so this is how it turned out. This is a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing and the houndstooth and feather are made from our modeling chocolate. If I have calculated it right there are 263 houndstooth pieces on this cake. It was a big hit with the bride and groom and so glad they loved it. Serves about 50. Congratulations Drew and Miranda! Hope your life is filled with richness of love and an abundance of happiness. We love you both. Good job Darlene with the decorations of his table, it looked great.

Pantry Shower for Heather & Skylar

Over looked this picture of Heather and Skylar's shower cake, in part because the pics were  not made on my camera and so I forgot about this one until I borrowed Heather's camera and viola, there it was. This is just a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and serves 40. Congrats to my daughter and her husband Skylar, he's a wonderful addition to our family and we love them both.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Clayton's Wedding

Clayton was very specific on how he wanted his cake to look and ta-da! He wanted red velvet cake with cream cheese icing, houndstooth all around,except for the top layer, "A" and elephant on top. You talk about nervous...whew! It's almost like an M&M cake where each one goes on one at a time. Oh wait, there was an M&M cake and it was for Tabitha, Clayton's  first cousin. I think there's a conspiracy amongst that crew to pick out cakes with tiny details.(lol) When I mentioned that, the comment was made,'Oh we just like your company'. Ain't that sweet or what. We love ya'll too!! This cakes' decorations are all made from modeling chocolate and there are 351 houndstooth pieces on this cake. The elephant is a keepsake from his mom, Jane. Serves about 172. The wedding was gorgeous and very proud for both Clayton and Brittany. Congratulations!!!

Princess Kendall

Kendall is 4!!!! Well, on the 24th she will be but we celebrated the 15th and Misty, Shawn, Carly, and Katie did an awesome job with the decorations. Misty gives Pinterest the credit though for the ideas. But Misty it's one thing to see the idea and quite another to follow through. Ya'll did good! This of course is a cake with many princesses present. Can you guess who they are? This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing, covered with fluff. The bow, sea shells, lily, and crown are made from our modeling chocolate. Kendall also had Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, and Snow White show up and they told stories, painted nails, did make-up and also their hair, They got the royal treatment. This serves about 72. Happy Birthday Kendall!!! We love you so, so much! Also 40 Princess Crown butter cookies.

Circus in Berry


This is a strawberry cake with buttercream icing. Hayden's first birthday and Caitlin wanted it to be very special of course and I love the colors. Covered with fluff, this three tiered cake serves about 82. The very top is left over fluff and modeling chocolate covered. Happy Birthday Hayden!

Princess for a Day!

This is the cake that I didn't make, well, except for the chocolate cake on top. I actually bought may ask why? Cause I forgot about this one until the day of the party. I cried because I was gonna be the one person that MESSED up a little girls celebration and I couldn't bear it. So I asked them to give me an hour or hour and a half and they did very graciously. Off I went to the grocery store, then purchased the disney princesses to decorate with and back home I went. I happened to have two 6 inch chocolate cakes already baked and so I added one to the top and iced it, trimmed it and called for them to pick up her cake. They were so good to me and I really appreciate it, you can imagine how bad I felt. Happy Birthday Lori!!! Thanks Ginny, Ginger, Kevin and Lexi!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Colin is 1-Carson is 3

Three birthday celebrations in Georgia in one weekend, and it was awesome. Kimberly and Cory decided to have a combo party for Colin and Carson since they were both born in August. What better way to celebrate than with a baseball theme. If there ever was a dedicated fan for the Atlanta Braves it's Carson. He's just 3 but he can tell you about the team players and sit with his daddy and watch them play every day of the week if they played that often. And just wait until Carson starts teaching his little brother how to play and who's who on the the Braves roster. For Carson's 3rd birthday and Colin's 1st birthday, we made 75 servings of dark chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing. The jersey. home plate, and baseball are made from our fluff and the grass with buttercream icing.

Colin's smash cake is in keeping with the theme of baseball and he dove right into it. He wasn't as interested in eating it by himself as he was sharing it with their two dogs Chase and Haley. So cute! He has the most lusious lips, and they both have beautiful blue eyes! Happy Birthday Colin and Carson, we love you!!!! Great job Kimberly, we had a great time.

Evan is 1

Evan, Zach and Becca's little fella and our 8th grandchild, celebrated his 1st birthday in Georgia, with a pool party. Everything was decorated so cute! This cake is about 65 servings of vanilla cake with buttercream icing. The bottom tier is covered with multi-colored stripes and border made from fluff. The #1 and anchor on top are made from modeling chocolate and the small cake is Evan's smash cake and boy did he tear into it. I didn't get a pic of him but I will have one later when I get one from Becca. He was so cute. Never have I seen a littlin' tear into a cake and not care about the mess. He didn't just tear into it, he devoured it. Zach had to catch his head turned and sneak it away from him. Needless to say he's a big fan of our cakes! Happy Birthday Evan, we love you so much!

Clark Reception Cake

Heather and Skylar's reception cake was just what the bride ordered, nothing fancy for a country themed party. 100 servings of vanilla cake with buttercream icing and 50 servings of dark chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing. The decorations are made of  modeling chocolate. Congrats to my daughter and our new son-in-law, we love you bunches!

Paisley and Chocolate

25 servings of dark chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing. All decorations are made of buttercream icing. Happy Birthday to my niece Tracy and kudos to her sister Donna for transporting it all the way to Virginia in tact, good job!(12 hour trip)

Aw!!! 50 - the new 40!

This is a yellow cake with buttercream icing and all decorations are made from buttercream icing. Serves 25. Happy Birthday Sandy! We love you!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Spiderman Is Back!

Seven years old and Ashton's party was all things Spider-man. Unique colors really set this cake off.  This is a two-layered, two tiered vanilla cake with buttercream icing and covered in our fluff. Great design Crystal! Serves about 40 people. Happy Birthday Ashton!

Lightning McQueen and Mater; John Deere

Aidyn's 3rd birthday and it just needed to be with Lightning McQueen and Mater. Wish I could have seen his face. Shoot I could watch the movie every month myself. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and the decorations are made from our fluff. Serves 25.

Aidyn was at Memaw's house the day before his party and so she had a private celebration with him and what little boy doesn't like tractors. And I believe he got a John Deere tractor with trailor for his birthday. Happy Birthday Aidyn! Serves about 9 people.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Day at the Beach

Brooke is 9! Happy Birthday!!! She knew exactly what she wanted which is what we like. She wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream and as much decorations as possible made from modeling chocolate. WOWEE!!! Bet she had a time going to sleep after eating all that chocolate. And she planned only to share the cake, not the decorations. With her name etched in the sand, aka modeling chocolate or I should say peanut butter modeling chocolate, her towels, flops, beach ball, kite, umbrella, palm tree and 12 chocolate sea shells around the sides, gave her plenty of chocolate to eat on for days cause it never ruins. This cake serves 25. Neglected to get a pic of the sea shells.

'One Direction'

"One Direction" hmmm...guess we're to old to know the latest teen heart throbs but this one was brought to our attention awhile back. This is a dark chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing and serves about 25. Hope they made your day Kate and Happy Birthday!

This Is The Life

Celebrating 72 years of living is really something to celebrate. His favorite chair is his recliner with his remote and red solo 'spit' cup on a side table. Relaxing is very important when you put in a hard days work on the farm. This kinda work will not wait on anyone, it has to be tended to daily. And usually from sun-up to sunset. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing. The recliner is krispie treats covered with modeling chocolate as well as the T.V. The table, remote, and cup are modeling chocolate and the rug is buttercream icing. Happy Birthday Roy! Heather, you did a terrific job!!! So proud of you! Serves about 40.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ivory Wedding Cake

This is four tiers of two-layered vanilla cake with ivory buttercream icing. There's close to 100 garland sashes attached to the bottom of the tiers, made from royal icing and the topper of roses are made from modeling chocolate dusted with pearl dust. The wedding was beautiful and so many family and friends were there to help celebrate. Congratulations to my sister and new husband, now known as Mr. & Mrs. Barrentine. They are giddy as teenagers and I think we were all reminded of that 'hurry up feeling' and 'let's get this thing done'! They were so excited and it was contagious.
We love you both! (Serves about 154)

Farmall Tractor

My sister Bo got married the 23rd and her fiancee' decided to forgo a groom's cake so she took the opportunity to surprise him. He likes red velvet cake with cream cheese icing and so...a cake was born. The tractor is carved from modeling chocolate and coated with icing to give it dimension. Serves about 40. We love ya'll!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Catfish Cake

Well Gage is a little young man who loves to fish. So when asked what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday, he said a fish. First he chose a bass but later changed his mind to a catfish. He wanted chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing. Hope you loved it and hope it wasn't to fishy.(lol) Serves 25. Happy Birthday Gage!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Barnyard Celebration

Yee-haw! How cute are decorations for a birthday party these days!  A country touch is just perfect for a boy. Logan is 2 and so excited about his birthday! This is a  yellow cake with buttercream icing and covered with fluff. The candle, cow print, and animals are also made from fluff. The roof is made from rice krispie treats and covered with fluff. This cake serves about 68. Happy Birthday Logan! Thanks Kalah!

Day Care Graduation

Graduation day, not only for seniors but also for kids who are going to the "big house", so to speak. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing covered with our fluff and also all the decorations are made from fluff. Serves about 64. Congratulations Class of 2012!

Tie-dye Celebration

Boy what a pop of color! It's so vibrant! We loved doing this cake especially for our very own Tabitha. She is a crack-up! She is so humorous and happy all the time. We love her personality.( I digress) This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and covered with our fluff and serves 150 people. I know the sixty something kids she teaches at her after-school program are delighted to have her. Thanks Tab, we love you very much!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hot Wheels Battle Force 5

Eli knew exactly what he wanted for his birthday, right down to the cake! That's what I like. He wanted the Hot Wheels logo with the Battle Force 5 motorcycle right under it. He was very detailed, and that made my job a lot easier. This is a white cake with vanilla buttercream icing with all details in buttercream icing. It serves about 35-40 people. Happy birthday, Eli! I hope it's exactly like you pictured it.

Handy Man

A handyman shower is a great idea for any guy or couple who is about to be married. He gets neat and useful tools and gadgets, and the bride-to-be gets free labor for life! (If he is, in fact, handy. If not, at least she can watch him pretend, right?)
This is a two layer white cake with vanilla buttercream icing. All the tools are made of Fluff. The cake serves about 40-45 people. We wish the couple many years of happiness!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Monster High Cake

I'll be the first to admit it... I had no idea what Monster High was when this cake was requested. I live a life filled with two little boys, and aside from the occasional show or two my neices mention, I really am clueless to girl shows. However, when I was researching the show, I thought the colors and designs were all so cute! They manage to make a skull and stitches adorable!

The cake is two tiers, each with two layers of white cake filled and iced with vanilla buttercream, and covered with dark charcoal Fluff. All decorations, aside from the white piping on the bottom tier, are made from Fluff. The piping is of course, vanilla buttercream. The cake serves about 40 people. Happy birthday, Sydney, and thanks for the introduction to Monster High.

Tie-Dyed Peace Sign Cake & Cupcakes

Peace signs are so popular in our area! We've had lots of requests for them, and we try to keep each cake different from the next. We've only had one other request for a tie-dye cake, so we tried a new pattern and different colors on this one. The combination of the peace sign and tie-dye made for a unique and very cute cake. The cake is two layers of cake, one of white cake and one of dark chocolate cake, filled and iced with vanilla buttercream, and covered with white Fluff. The cake was then hand-painted with the tie-dye design and topped with a white peace sign cut out of Fluff. The writing was piped with buttercream.
This special little one (she'd correct me if she knew I referred to her as "little one"), now a big eight-year-old, had some friends stay over the night before her party, and of course they needed something for that night, as well. One dozen cupcakes, a mixture of white and dark chocolate cake, were iced with lavender and yellow vanilla buttercream, and topped with sugar sparkles to mimic the tie-dye pattern on the cake.
The cake fed about 40, and of course the cupcakes fed 12. We had a ball making this cake for Maggie, and can't wait to see what design she comes up with for her next birthday. Happy 8th birthday, Maggie. Holly and Aunt Z love you very much!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants...what else can be said! Kinley's eyes just lit up when she saw her cake. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and serves about 48 people. Happy Birthday Kinley!!

Dirt Bike Tire Cake

The boys birthday party theme this year was dirt bikes. So...what do we do for the cake. We didn't feel like we had time for an elaborate cake since the week was taken up with baseball practice, a baseball game, and getting ready for all the family to come in for the weekend to also celebrate Easter after the birthday party. 
A dirt bike tire cake would do the trick.   This cake and the cupcakes are dark chocolate fudge iced with buttercream icing To make the treads we placed  marshmellows on the  sides of the cake and covered it with our "fluff" dyed black. The numbers 3 and 8 are also from our  "fluff".  This cake and 4 1/2 dozen cupcakes served  about 70 people. Happy Birthday Ian and Tucker! We love you both bunches!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Leap Year Birthday - 17th & 68th

Happy Birthday to one of my big sisters who was born in February(which is a great month by the way), on leap year. So technically Muriel is 17 by the leap year calendar and 68 by the regular calendar. Her kids surprised her with a little gathering to help celebrate. These cakes are two layer cakes, one layer of chocolate and one vanilla. They are iced with buttercream and covered with our "fluff". The bows and tags are from our modeling chocolate and serves about 140. Love my big sis!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Big T and Sports

Big T is your typical little boy who enjoys all things sports. So Nanny found this cake on a web site and he fell for it. Three tiers with two layers each of vanilla cake and buttercream icing filled our need for something sweet at his party. The middle tier, football, is iced with chocolate buttercream which is awesome. The decorations are from our modeling chocolate. He's growing up and who knows what he'll be into next year. Cowboys and a western theme wouldn't surprise me since his daddy is farming now. Whatever he chooses, we will do our best to give him what he wants. Happy Birthday Big "T"! We love you!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Alabama #1 - Will #8

Will is such an Alabama fan that celebrating with an Alabama cake was a must. This is a yellow cake with buttercream icing, the stripes, "A's", and tear pieces are made from our modeling chocolate and the football is rice krispie treats covered with modeling chocolate. This serves 40. Happy 8th birthday, Will!