Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Spiderman Is Back!

Seven years old and Ashton's party was all things Spider-man. Unique colors really set this cake off.  This is a two-layered, two tiered vanilla cake with buttercream icing and covered in our fluff. Great design Crystal! Serves about 40 people. Happy Birthday Ashton!

Lightning McQueen and Mater; John Deere

Aidyn's 3rd birthday and it just needed to be with Lightning McQueen and Mater. Wish I could have seen his face. Shoot I could watch the movie every month myself. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and the decorations are made from our fluff. Serves 25.

Aidyn was at Memaw's house the day before his party and so she had a private celebration with him and what little boy doesn't like tractors. And I believe he got a John Deere tractor with trailor for his birthday. Happy Birthday Aidyn! Serves about 9 people.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Day at the Beach

Brooke is 9! Happy Birthday!!! She knew exactly what she wanted which is what we like. She wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream and as much decorations as possible made from modeling chocolate. WOWEE!!! Bet she had a time going to sleep after eating all that chocolate. And she planned only to share the cake, not the decorations. With her name etched in the sand, aka modeling chocolate or I should say peanut butter modeling chocolate, her towels, flops, beach ball, kite, umbrella, palm tree and 12 chocolate sea shells around the sides, gave her plenty of chocolate to eat on for days cause it never ruins. This cake serves 25. Neglected to get a pic of the sea shells.

'One Direction'

"One Direction" hmmm...guess we're to old to know the latest teen heart throbs but this one was brought to our attention awhile back. This is a dark chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing and serves about 25. Hope they made your day Kate and Happy Birthday!

This Is The Life

Celebrating 72 years of living is really something to celebrate. His favorite chair is his recliner with his remote and red solo 'spit' cup on a side table. Relaxing is very important when you put in a hard days work on the farm. This kinda work will not wait on anyone, it has to be tended to daily. And usually from sun-up to sunset. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing. The recliner is krispie treats covered with modeling chocolate as well as the T.V. The table, remote, and cup are modeling chocolate and the rug is buttercream icing. Happy Birthday Roy! Heather, you did a terrific job!!! So proud of you! Serves about 40.