Saturday, January 30, 2010

Logan and Alabama

Something simple and plain was the order for this birthday boy. And what do you know, he's a big Alabama fan. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing or simply put, white on white. The footballs were made of our modeling chocolate and it served about 25 people. Hope you have a good one Logan!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Have your cake and eat it too"

This cake served double duty. A mom that wanted a cake to munch on and two kids who wanted it their way. This is our solution to the problem. A golf ball for the boy and a cell phone for the girl. A vanilla cake with buttercream icing, this cake serves about 12-14 people.

These two boys couldn't agree on one design so...... ta da! Frosty the Snowman on one corner and Spongebob on the other, and everybody's happy. This is also a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and serves 12-14 people.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Alabama Football Groom's Cake

This cake is a different one for us, because it was a request for yellow cake and chocolate buttercream instead of the usual white cake and vanilla buttercream. This Alabama football is for a very special day for Piercie and Jamie -- their wedding. It's two-layers, serves about 35 people, and is topped with stripes, laces, and an Alabama "A" all made with our homemade fondant. We wish the young couple the best, and we hope you have a wonderful day.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pink and Brown Bridal Shower

We had a good time at the shower for our nephew Piercie and his fiance' Jamie. We wish them the best in all they choose to do. This was a vanilla cake with buttercream icing. The stripes and dots were made of homemade modeling chocolate and is turning out to be more popular with us than fondant. Served about 40-45 people. Congratulations Piercie and Jamie!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and serves about 25 people. From Freddy Kruger, to Goosebumps, to Transformers, Michael zeroed in on this classic cartoon character. Hope you have a "fun" birthday.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby Shower Onesie

We just love the way this one turned out. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream icing and homemade modeling chocolate. We absolutely loved the way the chocolate could be manipulated and it tastes just like a tootsie roll. This is one of our favorites. Congratulations Crystal and Riley! (Serves about 45 people)

Backyard Cookie

Okay......I don't know why, but for some reason Katie Beth wanted her birthday cookie to look like her backyard. is our attempt to make that happen. This is a chocolate chip cookie with buttercream icing which displays her swing set, trampoline and yes...complete with two dogs in the back, Bone and Sam and a little snow on the ground.  Happy Birthday Katie Beth, we love you!